3D Printed House :
Step into the future – 3D-printed houses are here and in high demand Cutting costs, saving time and eliminating waste – can 3D-printing reshape residential architecture as we know it?
Traditional housebuilding methods may have changed in the last 200 years, but it has retained one key element — humans. Even with the latest diggers and cranes, people were still needed to pilot them. But now, industrial 3D printers can extrude concrete based on a 3D model and build houses completely autonomously. These gigantic 3D printers can build an entire 3D printed house in just hours! 3D printing offers the chance to build houses faster, more accurately and cheaper than ever before.
Lightweight Concrete Pods :
The structure of the lightweight concrete pod consists of a 6mm diameter wire-mesh reinforcement embedded in a 1.750kg/m3 concrete shell density. The standard wall thickness is 50mm + 10mm for tile finish. The external walls are ready for surface smoothing by the client in one of the following solutions:
gypsum board, paint or wallpaper application. Holes for services, door and window openings are in accordance with the project design requirements.
The shell manufactured according to the regulations for prefabricated lightweight concrete pods is not a load-bearing element. The pod must be placed on 12mm (6mm + 6mm) thick rubber pads on each bottom corner of the pod and positioned directly on the building floor slab. Any direct contact between the pod unit underside and building structure or construction surface is strictly forbidden